UGT (Utah Gun Training)
My name is Mark Jones. I have been instructing people in Skills, Mindset and Tactics for decades. I really enjoy helping people learn how to take care of themselves and others when people with evil intent try to force their way into their lives. That is why I started Utah Gun Training. What sets me apart from most other instructors is my wide range of experience and my ability to impart to you what I have learned in a way that makes is easy for you to absorb and incorporate into your lifestyle.
My life experience regarding this topic started when I was in the USMC. I was fortunate enough to serve in a special operations unit within the USMC, and participated in operations around the world.

Even though I left the USMC, I did not leave that lifestyle. I have held a Concealed Carry permit since I was 21. I am a Concealed Pistol License Instructor in the state of Utah. I have performed PPD work (Personal Protective Detail – what most people call a bodyguard) – the most famous person I did this for was Ron Paul when he wasn’t officially running for president.

I also worked as a Bail Enforcement Officer (fancy name for a Bounty Hunter) in the state of Washington. We apprehended felons that had jumped bail and were thought to be a danger to society.
The experiences I have had gives me a broad range of information to impart to my students. In other words I can tell you from experience in the real world what works, what doesn’t work and why it works or doesn’t. That often is the key that helps you understand the things I teach quicker, and faster than other instructors that don’t have my experience, or any experience.
UGT – Utah Gun Training
So…give UGT a try – I know you will learn some things you won’t learn anywhere else, and I promise we will have fun while training with UGT.