Utah Gun Training
Welcome to UGT home of armed citizens that want to be prepared to stop evil should it enter their lives. I named my training company UGT – which stands for Utah Gun Training. You are probably thinking “hmmm…another shooting school”. Well, nothing could be further from the truth. There are plenty of places that can teach you how to shoot a handgun or a rifle, but that is not all you will learn here at UGT. We arm you with the things you need to survive a gunfight. (Incidentally my first training company was called Armed Citizen Preparatory School – ACPS – which more descriptive of what we do, but not even my wife could remember my company name so I changed it to something a lot easier – Utah Gun Training.)
Don’t worry – you will learn how to shoot, but shooting is just one part of what you will learn. We will teach you the foundational elements you will need to know to successfully make it out of a gunfight alive and hopefully with the same number of holes you were born with – and no additional holes!
We call these three foundational elements (Skills, Mindset and Tactics) the Warrior Triad. By establishing and building up your Triad, you will have all the necessary elements to protect yourself and others when evil decides to enter your life.
I love teaching new people – you haven’t established any bad habits to overcome. Those of you that have been shooting, or even gone to a “shooting school” – I encourage you to come with an open mind. I will show you how I do things, and more importantly why I do what I do, and after trying it you can decide if it is best for you.

By the way – about 50% of my students are females. It great to see the ladies taking responsibility for themselves and others. GO LADIES!!
Please visit my other websites, there is a lot of information available there for free, then come and take a course (or two or more!) I guarantee you won’t be disappointed. Thank you for visiting Utah Gun Training.